“Rain, rain, go away… ” Paul Whitelock contemplates the wet weather last winter and this, and the Spanish origins of the nursery rhyme "Rain, rain, go away...!" 20 Dec, 2010 @ 07:38 Paul Whitelock's View From The Mountains
Weather warning as Andalucia is lashed by storms Heavy rain and strong winds sweep across western regions of the province 6 Dec, 2010 @ 19:07
Feeling the cold in Cordoba Scarves, jackets, and many, many layers are the best way to prevent the change-of-the-season cold 14 Nov, 2010 @ 00:17 Hannah's España - An American in Spain
Weather alerts in Spain over holiday weekend Yellow and orange warnings for heavy rain and strong winds in Spain 31 Oct, 2010 @ 09:50 National News
Scorching? Wanna Bet? Sevilla the favourite, as the world bets on which Spanish city will be hottest this summer 23 Jul, 2010 @ 10:42 Sevilla
All in the same boat It is the great insurance swindle... After the heaviest rains on record in southern Spain, the majority of flood sufferers are apparently not covered. How 24 Mar, 2010 @ 14:26 Other News
Rain in Spain is a pain for bullfighting fans Two months or rain is affecting the livelihoods of Andalucia's bull rearers 20 Feb, 2010 @ 20:04 Cadiz