Madrid regional health chief axed over controversial Ebola comments Javier Rodriguez's many gaffes over his handling of the Ebola crisis and negative statements about Ebola vcitim Theresa Romero have seen him kicked out of 5 Dec, 2014 @ 12:15 Lead·National News
New Ebola risk case flown to Madrid hospital Madrid's Carlos III hospital takes on a Doctors Without Borders aid worker with a high probility of infection 21 Nov, 2014 @ 12:55 Lead·National News
UPDATE: Doctors at Madrid hospital ‘hopeful’ about Spanish Ebola case As Spanish Ebola victim's condition remains stable medical staff dare to hope 13 Oct, 2014 @ 13:36 Lead·National News
UPDATE: Spanish staff protest and resign as ‘fear’ of Ebola takes hold Fear of the Ebola disease, and those who are at risk of coming into contact with it, is spreading in Madrid 11 Oct, 2014 @ 11:51 Lead·National News