Rafa Nadal set to become the face of Spain’s agriculture Rafa will be promoting the country’s very best produce in a new promotional campaign 29 Mar, 2015 @ 11:00 Food & Drink·Lead·Sport
Malaga’s olive oil industry attracting importers from China A family company in the Serrania de Ronda is also marketing its liquid gold in India, Bahrain and Kazakhstan 23 Mar, 2015 @ 15:41 Food & Drink·Malaga
Killer olive grove disease could spread to Spain Olive oil production in the Mediterranean is taking a hit from a bacterium that has already wiped out a million trees in Italy 9 Mar, 2015 @ 15:39 Environment·Lead
First China to Spain cargo train completes round trip After embarking on the 26,000 km round trip connecting Spain and China, the Yixin’ou cargo train has returned to Asia 26 Feb, 2015 @ 12:33 Business & Finance·National News
Olive oil power plant for Andalucia ‘Waste not want not’ as Andalucia’s iconic crop goes electric 14 Feb, 2015 @ 18:00 Environment·Granada·Lead
Energy plant in Granada to transform toxic waste into electricity A revolutionary new technology is to be tried out at a power plant in Granada 17 Dec, 2014 @ 08:00 Granada
New organic olive oil made from ancient Andalucian olives Marbella Club will hold an event to lauch the new oil called Belvis de las Navas 27 Nov, 2014 @ 11:21 Food & Drink·Malaga
Andalucia now Spain’s top exporter of goods to USA Andalucia has brought in €537.4 million in the first four months of 2014 12 Jul, 2014 @ 15:00 Business & Finance
Olive oil at your fingertips with new app The app provides insight into the whole world of Spanish olive oil, pairings and dishes 27 Jun, 2014 @ 17:00 Food & Drink
Spanish olive oil giant Deoleo lands in British hands The heated battle for Spain's largest olive oil producer is finally over 12 Apr, 2014 @ 11:00 Food & Drink·Lead
Desperate attempt to keep hold of Spanish olive oil giant Deoleo The government is likely to step in to retain Spanish control over one of its main agricultural sectors 10 Apr, 2014 @ 11:23
Did you spot our April fool? Oil's well that ends well but how many of you fell for our environmentally optimistic story? 3 Apr, 2014 @ 13:56
New Malaga metro will be powered by olive oil The olive oil-powered transport system has been hailed as a landmark moment for sustainability 1 Apr, 2014 @ 08:00 Lead·Malaga
Med diet prevents dementia Diet rich in nuts and olive oil is a great way to prevent brain illness 27 Feb, 2014 @ 18:46 Food & Drink·Other News
UK musicians turn their hands to Spanish olive oil importing U2 tribute act set up olive oil importing business 20 Jan, 2014 @ 11:49 Business & Finance·Food & Drink
Oil not so slick in Andalucia Weather conditions this winter have not been conducive to rich harvest 6 Dec, 2013 @ 15:58 Food & Drink
Limited edition olive oil now on sale Mercadona to sell 400,000 bottles of new Andalucian oil 5 Dec, 2013 @ 11:18 Food & Drink
Andalucian olive oil firm crowned best in Spain Castillo de Canena scoops accolade in Madrid awards ceremony 6 Nov, 2013 @ 12:21 Food & Drink·Jaen
Spain tops olive oil list Spain keeps its crown as the world’s leading exporter of olive oil 15 Dec, 2012 @ 16:23 Food & Drink·Other News
‘Mediterranean’ diet should include avocados, says expert After all, they did arrive in Spain around the same time as the tomato 21 Nov, 2012 @ 08:22 National News
Olive oil costs soar due to drought in Spain Shoppers to be hit in the pocket after wholesale prices rise by 30% 25 Sep, 2012 @ 09:00 Food & Drink
Fancy a fry-up? Think twice about which oil you use, says Spanish study A fry-up is fine - provided you use olive or sunflower oil 5 Feb, 2012 @ 14:35 Food & Drink
The hunt for liquid gold in Spain As the olive picking season gets in full swing and three Andalucian olive oil producers are installed in the world’s best, Wendy Williams takes a 3 Dec, 2011 @ 10:37 Food & Drink
Super Subbetica Jon Clarke takes a wander around the evocative historic region said to be the dead centre of Andalucia 8 Oct, 2011 @ 10:29 Other News
‘Operation Cholesterol’ bears fruit for Spanish police Investigation sees three men in court for producing bogus olive oil 26 Sep, 2011 @ 09:30 National News
Olive oil reduces risk of stroke Andalucian staple can help prevent strokes for pensioners, a study suggests 10 Jul, 2011 @ 09:47