EXCLUSIVE: Gibraltar business chief optimistic despite Brexit Brexit has already had a negative impact on Gibraltar and it could get worse if a satisfactory deal is not made with the EU, a 7 Feb, 2020 @ 15:34 Business & Finance·Gibraltar
Ministers SHOCKED at state of Gibraltar homes as they get guided tour by activist Action for Housing recently took government ministers on a tour of shame so they could see the torrid conditions of mainly pre-war flats in the 6 Feb, 2020 @ 16:41 Gibraltar
Gibraltar slammed for ‘archaic’ abortion law by UK body ahead of referendum THE current abortion law in Gibraltar is ‘archaic and out of date’ according to a top UK charity who is supporting its decriminalisation. 4 Feb, 2020 @ 16:39 Gibraltar
The EU needs to respect its own values in talks, says Gibraltar Chief Minister in Brexit Day speech Gibraltar will only make agreements that will protect its ‘political safety’ at forthcoming EU talks with Spain, said its Chief Minister on Brexit Day. 31 Jan, 2020 @ 23:28 Gibraltar
Unidas Podemos Andalusian leader supports Gibraltar’s right to choose its own future THE leader of Unidas Podemos in Andalusia supported Gibraltar’s right to self-determination when she met the Chief Minister today. 31 Jan, 2020 @ 22:50 Gibraltar·Lead
End of an era’ to be marked at midnight by the singing of EU anthem at Gibraltar frontier Despite 96% of the Rock’s population voting to remain in the EU, Brexit will be marked with the lowering of the EU flag and singing 31 Jan, 2020 @ 13:18 Gibraltar·Lead
‘Lets Ditch Plastic!’- Primary school asks Gibraltar supermarkets to cut down on plastic to stop pollution St Joseph's Primary School have today asked Gibraltar’s three main supermarkets to cut down using plastic as part of the ClimACT school project. 29 Jan, 2020 @ 14:09 Gibraltar
Chief Minister backs ‘Gibraltar for Yes’ which will be launched this Saturday before the March 19 abortion referendum An information campaign to ask Gibraltar to vote yes at the March 19 abortion referendum will be launched this coming Saturday. 22 Jan, 2020 @ 16:02 Gibraltar
As Gibraltar delegation jets to Madrid for Brexit talks, its Chief Minister corrected international media on Schengen comments Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has spoken in the Gibraltar parliament about how the media 'somehow misinterpreted' a UK government statement. 22 Jan, 2020 @ 15:07 Gibraltar