A SUPREME Court judge says some squatters in Spain should be charged with fraud to help landlords get them evicted quickly. Vicente Magro believes people
A MAN used the address of his deceased father’s Valencia area apartment as a money-making ruse to illegally register over 100 foreign nationals. The 35-year-old
CYBER criminals banked over €5 million by cloning websites selling high-end electrical products that customers never received. Three people have been arrested in the Orihuela
A WOMAN from the Dominican Republic used the identity of a deceased two-month-old baby to gain Spanish nationality before setting up a Costa Blanca-based criminal
THE POLICIA NACIONAL has arrested 20 people and are investigating another hundred in Spain for online purchases of bogus degrees from approximately 30 Spanish universities.
SPAIN’S National Police force has made nine arrests as investigations continue into alleged voter fraud in the North African city of Melilla ahead of this
SPAIN’S Social Security system is using an artificial intelligence algorithm to try to predict whether someone who is taking sick leave is ready to get
SPANISH police were part of a 17-country-strong international police operation to bring down one of the world’s largest illegal marketplaces for stolen account credentials. Known