Spaniards flock to Germany to escape recession Soaring unemployment has driven a record number of Spaniards to leave the country 10 May, 2013 @ 10:47 Lead
A wintry outlook for UK economy Continued uncertainty over Britain’s future in the EU has affected value of the pound, writes Keith Spitalnick 23 Jan, 2013 @ 16:12 Business & Finance
Eurozone leaders seek clarification from Spain over bailout Finance ministers demand to know whether Madrid will request financial support amid growing concerns over slow recovery 15 Sep, 2012 @ 09:30 Lead·National News
Spanish PM defiant over bailout conditions Mariano Rajoy insists Spain will not seek rescue package if EU demands further cuts 11 Sep, 2012 @ 13:30 Lead·National News
Has the world gone mad? Finance guru Richard Alexander offers sound planning advice in times of banking turmoil 21 Jul, 2012 @ 17:00 Business & Finance·Other News
Spanish unemployment falls for third month The cut in the number of people claiming unemployment benefits is the largest ever recorded in June 12 Jul, 2012 @ 15:19 National News
Spanish Prime Minister warns of tough times ahead despite €100 billion bailout Mariano Rajoy claims negative growth will continue and unemployment will rise further 11 Jun, 2012 @ 14:42 Lead·National News
Spain to request €60 billion bailout on Saturday Set to become the fourth eurozone country to require financial rescue package 8 Jun, 2012 @ 17:40 Business & Finance·National News
Spain credit rating downgraded Rating falls two notches to BBB+ amid fears recession will deepen further 27 Apr, 2012 @ 15:47 Lead·National News
New bailout fears Markets speculate on Spanish economy as bond yields go above six per cent 18 Apr, 2012 @ 18:30 Business & Finance·Lead
Beware of Spanish practices when a euro deal is signed There is always a catch when eurozone leaders say that they have finally — finally, finally — settled the Greek debt problem. 12 Mar, 2012 @ 17:45 Opinion
Spain calls for eurozone rescue fund boost Foreign minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo has backed calls for Europe’s rescue fund to be boosted to one trillion euros 26 Jan, 2012 @ 10:11 Business & Finance·Lead
David Cameron breaks away from Europe The other member states move forward without Britain in attempt to save the single currency 9 Dec, 2011 @ 17:50 National News
Bond auction success for Spain with better than expected demand But the cost of borrowing is the highest in a decade 2 Dec, 2011 @ 12:28 Business & Finance
New Spanish PM Rajoy on the ropes Finally whispers of a return to the peseta and IMF bailouts if Rajoy doesn't get a move on to allay jittery markets 29 Nov, 2011 @ 12:47 Business & Finance·National News
The debt crisis could be over Prime Minister Zapatero has declared the debt crisis is over in Europe 24 Sep, 2010 @ 11:30 Business & Finance·National News