Headless baby’s body found at a beach in Catalonia A HEADLESS child’s corpse has been found at a beach in Tarragona (Catalonia). The body was found by a council cleaner at a beach in 11 Jul, 2023 @ 19:30 Andalucia·Catalunya·Lead
Mother confesses to burying deceased baby under rocks in Murcia area field in Spain THE Guardia Civil is investigating the circumstances behind a deceased baby found buried in a field in Aguilas, Murcia. Medical examiners believe it was not 25 Feb, 2022 @ 14:17 Lead·Murcia
Mum and dad arrested for throwing newborn baby in river in Spain A COUPLE have been arrested for throwing their newborn baby into the river in Castilla y León. 10 Feb, 2020 @ 13:36 Crime & Law·Lead