Dog owner who left their pet to die in a car during 42C heat is JAILED in Spain’s Andalucia A 64 YEAR-OLD man has been jailed for leaving his dog locked in a car in Andalucia, resulting in the animal’s death by heat stroke. 5 Feb, 2024 @ 07:46 Andalucia·Jaen·Lead
Boat Captain allegedly responsible for recent large oil spill in Gibraltar charged THE boat Captain who is said to be responsible for the spill of heavy fuel oil in the Bay of Gibraltar earlier this month has 22 Aug, 2023 @ 13:30 Environment·Gibraltar·Lead
WATCH: Racist British man who called woman ‘ugly black b******’ on Ryanair Spain flight not charged by police However Essex Police has said it has no jurisdiction to prosecute Mesher, as the incident occurred in Spain 26 Feb, 2019 @ 13:15 Barcelona·Lead·National News