A BRITISH holidaymaker has been branded ‘demeaning’ after tipping cleaning staff with half-used toiletries following a Benidorm holiday. Louise Wagstaff published pictures of her ‘gifts’
VOX’S top candidate for Benidorm mayor has been replaced after it was revealed he received a two-year prison sentence for repeated domestic violence last February.
BENIDORM’S infamous Tiki Beach bar has re-opened this weekend after a lengthy legal battle over noise complaints. Following a closure order last September, the owners
A BRITISH tourist with Alzheimer’s missing for three days has been found alive but disorientated in Benidorm. Norah Garret, 64, had gone missing at 5am
TALENTED footballer Michael Jones, 21, from Bolton, had been on holiday in Benidorm with friends early July when he tragically toppled over railings of a