Know your rental rights in Spain Short and long-term rental contracts, which best suits your needs? A SHORT-TERM rental contract (known in Spanish as a temporary lease) is one that is 12 May, 2023 @ 13:12 Alicante·Columnists·Legal Eagle
Correcting property boundaries in Spain DID you know that it is the property owner’s responsibility to inform the Catastro department of its errors? Also, it is the Catastro office which 25 Feb, 2023 @ 15:00 Lead·Legal Eagle
ADVICE: What British citizens need to know if they’re getting a divorce in Spain Victoria Wright of ALBA Consultas explains why it can be easier to divorce in the UK using a good advisor based in Spain 22 Jul, 2022 @ 13:00 Columnists·Lead·Legal Eagle·National News
Duchess of Alba’s palace opens to the public The private home of Spain’s most eccentric aristocrat goes public in Sevilla 12 Mar, 2016 @ 20:00 La Cultura·Lead·Sevilla