Caught with his pants down PICTURE EXCLUSIVE by Jon Clarke: Ancient-monument defacing vandal gets humiliating comeuppance 11 Apr, 2010 @ 01:00 Cadiz
Save our beach El Palmar beach under threat by plans to build a massive hotel complex 5 Apr, 2010 @ 13:12 Cadiz·Environment
Successful failure for Spain tourist scheme Duff tourist scheme set to be expanded across Spain 25 Mar, 2010 @ 13:37 Cadiz·National News
Spain’s shrinking cities Fears grow as two of Andalucia's biggest cities shrink in size 16 Mar, 2010 @ 11:36 Cadiz·Granada
Beach rescue The Spanish government has stepped in to help out battered beaches 13 Mar, 2010 @ 09:00 Cadiz·Huelva·Jaen
Noisy neighbour kicked out A man has been ordered to leave his house for being too loud 23 Feb, 2010 @ 17:18 Cadiz
Rain in Spain is a pain for bullfighting fans Two months or rain is affecting the livelihoods of Andalucia's bull rearers 20 Feb, 2010 @ 20:04 Cadiz
Jerez shuts down Storm causes city to become isolated as transport comes to a standstill 19 Feb, 2010 @ 14:38 Cadiz
We don’t want English tourists EXCLUSIVE Tourist boss launches scathing attack against downmarket, drink-fuelled English tourism 13 Feb, 2010 @ 00:01 Cadiz
Harman calls for women’s agency at EU summit British MP in Cadiz says more work needs to be done to uphold women’s rights 4 Feb, 2010 @ 14:35 Cadiz
Was Atlantis in Andalucia? Latest archaeological breakthrough indicates Andalucia may have once been home to the mythical civilisation 19 Jan, 2010 @ 11:48 Cadiz·Huelva·Sevilla
Spain rain frustrates Schumacher Extreme Andalucia weather now thwarts former champion 14 Jan, 2010 @ 12:51 Cadiz·Sport
Further flooding as Spanish rainfall reaches record books Record rainfall in Andalucia leaves reservoirs up 20 per cent on last year. Here, heavy rain in Jerez caused the River Guadalete to flood thousands 29 Dec, 2009 @ 11:40 Cadiz
Record rainfall sees worst floods since 1940s Some of heaviest rain on record leads to flood chaos in Andalucia. Here, a submerged house in Jimera de Libar, near Ronda. Picture Karl Smallman. 24 Dec, 2009 @ 16:50 Cadiz·Sevilla
A festive miracle in Spain EXCLUSIVE: British family reveal they are ‘lucky to be alive’ after spending night on motorway hard shoulder in sub-zero temperatures 24 Dec, 2009 @ 09:00 Cadiz
Facebook protest fights to save virgin Spanish beach Demonstration called to save El Palmar beach from mass development 18 Dec, 2009 @ 21:21 Cadiz·Environment
Spanish wrecking ball swings in again No Christmas cheer for ten householders whose 'illegal' houses are being demolished this weekend in Chiclana. Standoff as hundreds of protesters confront police 18 Dec, 2009 @ 20:03 Cadiz
Fishermen unite to protect tradition Ancient technique endangered by new fishing quotas 17 Dec, 2009 @ 00:01 Cadiz·Lead
“Jetman” fails to fly from Africa to Europe The Swiss man falls into the sea on record-attempt flight 25 Nov, 2009 @ 12:09 Cadiz
My vow to beat motorbike muggers Expat in bid to halt recent rise of high-speed robberies 9 Nov, 2009 @ 15:15 Cadiz
Exclusive: England soccer star buys €3.5m mansion Liverpool ace buys a plush Sotogrande villa 2 Nov, 2009 @ 11:23 Cadiz·Sport
Tom and Cameron set for Cadiz Hollywood duo are dropping in to shoot fast-paced film finale 20 Oct, 2009 @ 11:26 Cadiz·Entertainment