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Environment - Page 108

A green way to go

It may not be the final nail in the coffin for greenhouse gas emitting vehicles, but Granada has become the first city in Europe to
10 Feb, 2009 @ 10:27

Making a difference in 2008

Tired of mundane New Year resolutions? Instead of giving up smoking why not make some small lifestyle changes and help to save the planet. The
3 Jan, 2008 @ 18:56
jason heppenstall

Planet saved!

Jason Heppenstall argues that we must not rely on the politicians and big business to solve the global warming crisis
3 Jan, 2008 @ 12:32

Oil spillage poisons aquifer

A GRANADA court is investigating how 120,000 tonnes of a vegetable-based contaminant was allowed to enter underground water supplies. Mayor of Atarfe Víctor Sánchez and
23 Nov, 2007 @ 16:13

It’s in the climate, stupid

Following last issue in which Fiona Flores Watson attacked the slick, corporate image of the Climate Project, after meeting him in Nashville this year, Rosie
13 Nov, 2007 @ 18:53

Electric olives

Claire Doole visits a Córdoba olive farmer and finds he is doing his bit to combat global warming
22 Jun, 2007 @ 11:07

Ex-pats sued for green views

Trio of Ronda residents – including writer Alastair Boyd – face a 22 million euros lawsuit in a campaign of “mafia-style harassment” by developers
11 Jan, 2007 @ 09:51
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