In a investigative TV series with reporter Sascha Wintel and aired on German television, the doctor is seen issuing negative certificates to tourists that have
The investigation was initiated when police at Bogota's El Dorado airport discovered a package destined for Son Severa was concealing almost 5 kilos of cocaine.
Mayor Jose Hila said that ‘erasing Franco's heritage from the streets was not only a legal obligation, but also a moral obligation towards his victims’
With the COVID-19 incident rate jumping from 41.2 to 47 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in just one week, Balearic spokesman Iago Negueruela said the government
Despite the German government advising against all non-essential travel, its removal of the Balearics from their list of 'at risk areas' caused an avalanche in
The Balearic Ministry of Health today revealed that all those arriving from countries outside of Spain will have to undertake a 'double verification' against COVID-19