It’s all in the translation Por favor, una horca,” I ask the señora in the hardware store. She looks horrified. I make digging motions to indicate I need a garden 24 Nov, 2010 @ 09:23 Calliope's Musings on Spain
Our renovations perturbed the locals Why did we remove the brown and blue mosaic tiles and paint the wall ‘magnolia’ instead? 18 Nov, 2010 @ 20:01 Calliope's Musings on Spain
The rain in Spain … Carolyn Emmett wonders if she'd bought a dream house or a nightmare 13 Nov, 2010 @ 01:47 Calliope's Musings on Spain
The Calendar Girls coming to Andalucia? Find your favourite recipes and get ready to get your kit off! Calliope is coming to town! 9 Nov, 2010 @ 15:44 Calliope's Musings on Spain
The Anniversary Gift It’s our 26th wedding anniversary. “What would you like: flowers, chocolates, jewellery?” “How about we buy a house in Spain,” he said. 6 Nov, 2010 @ 19:44 Calliope's Musings on Spain
Calliope/Carolyn comparison Calliope, the eldest and most distinguished of the nine Muses. Carolyn, the second eldest and only slightly distinguished of the six Hill offspring, is constantly 6 Nov, 2010 @ 16:20 Calliope's Musings on Spain