Karl Smallman

DO YOU HAVE NEWS FOR US at Spain’s most popular English newspaper - the Olive Press? Contact us now via email: newsdesk@theolivepress.es or call 951 273 575. To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618.
battle montejaque

Spanish defeat Napolean’s army

Re-creation of the 1810 battle between the Spanish and French on the bridge over the River Gaduares. Picture special by Karl Smallman
2 Nov, 2010 @ 11:15

Off our rock

Situated some 2000kms south of Britain, it sometimes makes you wonder how Gibraltar could be British - but British it most certainly is
27 Oct, 2010 @ 20:12

All about… Andalucia Property

Come to the natural home of buying and selling property in southern Spain with the Olive Press's new property portal www.AllaboutAndaluciaProperty.com
18 Sep, 2010 @ 21:32
jimera fire

Wild fire in Guadiaro Valley

A campo wild fire broke in Jimera de Libar in the Guadiaro Valley forcing the evacuation of the riverside camping ground as a safety measure
9 Aug, 2010 @ 00:16

Beautiful… but beware

Clive Muir and Sue Eatock tell us hidden dangers lurk behind the beauty of the plant that lines Spain’s dry riverbeds and motorways – the
23 Jul, 2007 @ 10:48

Lemon Aid

An exclusive Olive Press interview with Driving over Lemons author Chris Stewart
14 Mar, 2007 @ 05:30

The Amputee – Issue 19

Year of the golden porker LET a hundred flowers bloom. The Chinese have said goodbye to the Year of the Dog and welcomed in the
7 Mar, 2007 @ 09:48

The Amputee – Issue 18

Profligate scandal I HAVE just read average debt levels in Britain have risen to an all-time high of nearly 140 per cent of income, twice
22 Feb, 2007 @ 04:46

Lunar eclipse alert!

AS we come to the later part of February our thoughts are beginning to turn to the end of winter and to warmer nights –
15 Feb, 2007 @ 09:20
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