Karl Smallman

DO YOU HAVE NEWS FOR US at Spain’s most popular English newspaper - the Olive Press? Contact us now via email: newsdesk@theolivepress.es or call 951 273 575. To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618.
jmw asbestos mar spanish

Asbestos fight back

New ruling allows expat sufferers to sue their ex-employers much more easily... even from Spain
18 Mar, 2011 @ 18:04

100 things we love about Andalucia

To help celebrate our 100th print edition, we asked the Olive Press team to come up with 100 of the best things about living in
20 Jan, 2011 @ 16:16
jimera belen

Live Belén in Jimera de Líbar

One symbol of Christmas that still maintains great importance throughout Spain is the belén - a Nativity scene. Photographs by Karl Smallman
27 Dec, 2010 @ 15:28

Catch a falling star

Tragabuches - the first restaurant in Andalucia to be awarded a Michelin star - has been stripped of its accolade due to poor performance
24 Dec, 2010 @ 17:59

Pope caught with his pants down

Originally from Catalonia, this small statue of someone defecating, can be found all over Spain, Portugal and Italy, usually as part of a larger nativity
24 Dec, 2010 @ 15:52
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