THE IRISH government has issued a safety warning to tourists planning an Easter holiday in Spain.
It’s a popular destination for the Irish prompting an alert from the country’s Department of Foreign Affairs(DFA).
Pickpockets and muggers- often part of foreign gangs- target busy tourist cities like Barcelona and Madrid along with coastal areas.
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Irish authorities are urging holidaymakers to be careful over ensuring nobody takes their personal belongings in potential ‘danger zones’.
Recommendations include not keeping a passport, credit card, travel tickets and money together in one place.
It has suggested that items should be carried when necessary with the rest stored in a safe.
Mobile phones are also an especially popular item to steal.
The department warns that public areas like train and bus stations, bars and restaurants are fertile hunting grounds for thieves and that a close eye should be kept at all times on bags and belongings.
Tourists are also advised to steer clear of dark and unlit areas, and to arrange pick ups and drop offs as close as possible to accommodation.
A DFA spokesperson said: “Most of Spain has a moderate rate of crime but people should be aware that in areas such as airports, bus stations, railway stations, tourist areas and major cities, there is a much higher risk of pickpocketing and muggings.”
“In case you find yourself a victim of crime while soaking up the Spanish sun, it’s crucial to report it straight away to the local police by dialling 112. And don’t worry, all operators speak English.”
The DFA advises: “Make sure you get a copy of the police report when you report a crime, which will be needed for any insurance claim”.