THE KING of Spain has sparked fury amongst animal activists as he attended a ‘charity’ bullfight for DANA victims.
Animal rights party PACMA has spoken out after King Felipe attended a ‘charity’ bullfight in aid of those affected by DANA storms.
The King was met with a standing ovation at the fight, held yesterday to mark the end of the region’s Fallas celebrations.
Over 3,500 tickets were gifted to victims of the disaster, with a one minute silence held to remember those who passed away.
However, PACMA has objected to the King’s attendance on social media, posting a video of him attending the event with the caption: “If you live off my taxes, respect my decisions.”
The Spanish Royal Family costs taxpayers €8.4 million a year, with the video urging them to be an ‘example to the people’.
“Stop supporting traditions that are cruel to animals like bullfighting,” the video continued.
“You shouldn’t back a spectacle of blood and suffering that most Spaniards are against.”
The footage also used data showing some 77% of Spaniards object to bullfighting, according to the BBVA Foundation.
In the caption, PACMA continued: “Public institutions should remove themselves from animal torture NOW.”