OVER a thousand tons of sand has been used to regenerate two Mar Menor beaches over the winter.
Cartagena City Council has done work over at Los Nietos and La Gola as well as removing reeds and clearing up vegetation in various areas.
Sand that accumulated on the shore has been extracted in a process known as sand bundling.
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It was moved to a dry area of the targeted beach, where it was oxygenated before being redistributed to regain the beach’s previous size.
Most of the sand had been displaced due to rain and storms.
Coastal councillor, Gonzalo Lopez, said “Sand bundling helps to maintain the quality of the coastline and has proven to be very useful in preventing the formation of dry land and stopping sludge building up.”
The work was supervised by a biologist to avoid any negative impact on the marine ecosystem.
Invasive water reeds were removed from the Los Nietos, Mar de Cristal, Villas Caravaning, and Cavanna areas