BENIDORM will move to a second phase of replacing lights and fittings across the Levante promenade.
The council has awarded an €854,000 contract for the work which will take eight months to complete.
The project is being subsidised by the European Union’s Next Generation fund.

The second stretch will cover the promenade between Avenida de Europa- where the first phase was completed- and Calle Metge Miguel Martorell.
Benidorm mayor, Toni Perez, said he was hopeful that the revamp will be finished ‘by early 2026’.
The current lighting infrastructure was installed in the 1990’s.
“Given the time that’s passed, we can have a system utilising modern technology that is more energy efficient,” said Perez.
The section between Plaza del Torrejo and Avenida de Europa cost nearly €2 million to overhaul, producing energy savings of over 33%.