A LANDLORD has listed a sofa on a popular rental platform for €450 per month in Estepona.
Spain’s housing crisis has come into sharp focus in Estepona after a landlord posted a sofa bed on rental platform Idealista for €450 a month.
Posted this morning before being deleted, the ‘property’ was on Calle Dulcinea in the Parque Central area of the beach town.
It consisted of a white sofa bed in the flat’s living room, but don’t worry, the flat was ‘very new’ and had ‘great qualities’.

The lodging was advertised for rent from now until August 31.
Right in front of the TV, at least you wouldn’t have to move to watch the news in the morning, though the sound of your housemates eating breakfast on the neighbouring dining table may disturb your routine.
From the few pictures uploaded, the living room seems to be lacking a door, making it the perfect property for extroverts who do not need any personal space.
It comes after a landlord in Marbella sparked fury last summer after renting a sofa in a shared flat for €400 a month.
Practices like this are not uncommon in heavily saturated areas such as Madrid and Barcelona but now Spaniards are starting to see the desperate living situations leak out into other tourist hotspots such as the Costa del Sol.