27 Feb, 2025 @ 13:55
1 min read

Spanish cardiologist issues warning to anyone taking magnesium supplements

(credit: @doctorrojass)

LEADING cardiologist Aurelio Rojas has warned the public about common mistakes when taking magnesium supplements. 

While the Spanish doctor isn’t against using them, he warns that it is key to take them in the correct manner, something which Spanish people supposedly do not do. 

In a recent video uploaded to Instagram and TikTok, Rojas told his more than 400,000 followers that there are three common errors when taking the supplements.

READ MORE: Three signs your heart health is at risk, according to leading Spanish doctor

He also suggests that incorrect consumption could lead to health damage and cause the supplements ‘to lose effectiveness and cause adverse effects’. 

Rojas believes the most common mistake made in Spain and the one that causes the most problems is to do with ‘the type of magnesium’ that we take.


Si tomas magnesio, ¡este video es para ti! Te voy a contar 3 errores muy comunes que pueden afectar su eficacia o incluso causarte efectos secundarios: ¿Cuándo tomarlo? Si lo tomas muy tarde, puede causarte malestar estomacal. Mejor por la noche, ya que ayuda a relajarte y mejora el sueño. Magnesio + calcio o lácteos = error. No los combines, porque interfieren con la absorción de ambos. Forma de magnesio. Algunas formas, como el óxido, pueden darte diarrea. Lo ideal es el citrato o bisglicinato, que son mejor absorbidas. Recuerda, si tienes problemas renales o tomas otros medicamentos, ¡consulta a un médico antes #magnesio #suplementos #ansiedad #estres

? sonido original – Aurelio Rojas Sánchez

“Magnesium citrate or magnesium bisglycinate are the most bioavailable forms. This means that they are the ones best absorbed in our digestive system. And not only that, but they are the ones with the most scientific evidence,” he said.

He suggests that if you plan to use this type of supplementation, you should be aware of this information. 

“Many people do not know what is the best time to take magnesium,” Rojas says about another common mistake. 

He advises not to do it too late and to drink enough water – if not, ‘it can cause stomach problems or diarrhea’. 

According to the cardiologist, taking it an hour before going to bed is the key.

“It will help us not only regulate our central nervous system and strengthen our immune system, but also help our body produce more melatonin endogenously,” he says. 

A third mistake noted by Rojas is that people take magnesium supplements together with calcium ones.

“The absorption of both minerals will be totally inhibited,” says the expert. 

He warns that ‘this also happens if you are taking magnesium with dairy foods… or green leafy vegetables like spinach’. 

The doctor suggests spacing out your consumption of such products and not taking them together.

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