A JUDGE in Spain has called for a woman who falsely accused a right-wing politician of sexual assault to stand trial.
Carlos Huge Fernandez Roca faced five years in jail on the back of the now-debunked claims made by Maria del Valle Robles.
The MP for right-wing party Vox was forced to defend himself at trial in 2022, and was eventually exonerated by the Provincial Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM).
It came after he was forced to step down in the wake of the accusation.
His exoneration was challenged by Robles’ defence team but was confirmed yet again, leading Roca to file a criminal complaint.
He accused the singing teacher of giving false testimony and of lying during his trial, demanding €337,000 in compensation and a three-year jail term.
According to documents seen by El Español, his request for a trial has now been granted.
The ruling Judge Maria Angeles Velazquez said Robles ‘knowingly’ stated facts that ‘did not correspond to reality’, all while testifying ‘in tears’ against Roca.
Specifically, Robles is said to have lied about ‘her state of consciousness and will at the time of entering the home of the now complainant [Carlos Hugo Fernández Roca]’.
During Roca’s trial, the woman claimed she went to the home of the-then politician very drunk.
She claimed she was grabbed by Roca and that he took advantage of her condition to attack her.
However, security camera footage from the entrance to the house cast doubt on her version of events, apparently showing no signs of drunkenness nor coercion.
Judge Velazquez has demanded that Robles deposit a bail of €75,000 euros or have her assets seized.
She said in her ruling: “It is clear that [the young woman] entered the front door in a normal manner, freely and without any restraint, without any evidence of alcohol impairment in her behaviour or walking.”
She said these suggested her claims during Roca’s trial were ‘made with the intention of adding false details to her statement in order to make the court believe her high degree of intoxication and obtain the conviction of the accused in said criminal proceedings.’