BARS, restaurants, and nightclubs will have to close earlier in two areas of Alicante City designated as Acoustically Saturated Zones(ZAS).
One zone will cover parts of the Old Town and the other in the Centre around Calle Castaños.
Terrace areas used by hospitality businesses will also be slashed by half.

Alicante City Council approved the measure on Tuesday which could come into force as soon as late March.
The move is in response to resident complaints about noise.
The ZAS also suspends the granting of new licences to nightclubs, bars, restaurants, cafes, karaoke bars and even bingo halls.
There is even a stop on approving applications for new terrace spaces.
The council says the Policia Local will run a special operation to make sure closing times are observed and bar terraces are cleared, including dispersing crowds of people close to premises.
A 1am closing will be observed on Fridays and Saturdays plus eves of holidays.
Nightclubs will have to pull down the shutters at 3am.
For the rest of the week, 12.30am will be closing time- 1am for the clubs.
Terraces will have to be cleared half-an-hour before closing.
Longer hours will apply during the Bonfires fiestas and over the Christmas and New Year/Three Kings periods which the council will determine nearer the time.
24-hour shops will be impacted as they will have to shut between 12.30am and 7am.
Outlets selling bakery goods, take-away meals, newspapers or drinks will also be affected by the restrictions.