AN appeal has been made to find a Mallorcan girl who disappeared last May.
The SOS Desaparecidos Association and The National Centre for the Disappeared (Cndes) has jointly issued an urgent alert concerning 12-year-old Yanira V.A.
She was last seen in Inca on May 22, 2024 and the circumstances behind her disappearance have not been disclosed or why it has taken so long for an appeal to be made.

The child is approximately 1.70 metres tall, with a heavy build.
She has brown hair and brown eyes.
SOS Desaparecidos and the Cndes, with support from the Interior Ministry, have asked that any information about her whereabouts should be passed onto the Guardia Civil or the 112 emergency number.
Alternative numbers are 649952957 or 644712806 or by email at