COSTA del Sol residents are bracing themselves for incoming DANA storms as landlords warn tenants to batten down the hatches.
After witnessing the destruction which battered Valencia two weeks ago, Costa del Sol residents are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a heavy deluge tonight.
Many have recieved worrying messages from their schools, workplaces and landlords, with rumours swirling about possible school closures.
One expat has even recieved this concerning message from her urbanisation management company.
It reads: “In view of the imminent arrival of a new storm…we recommend that you take extreme precautions.”

Similarly, Malaga and Melilla Association of Property Administrators advised expats to prepare for the storm, with an 11 point list to ensure safety.
Others have been sharing an Instagram post from Malaga firefighters in which 180 litres of rain is predicted, particularly affecting Malaga capital, the Guadalhorce Valley and Axarquia.

Many users advised wary residents to ‘stay in if you can’ and ‘look for higher ground.’
Meanwhile, many have drawn comparisons with the ‘biblical’ floods that hit Sabanillas in 2016.

One Facebook user said: “There was no management, which led to disastrous results.”
Strong rain is predicted throughout the night and an orange weather alert is currently in place.