A YOUNG girl died in Castellon after her father forgot that she was in the car and locked the vehicle.
The two-year-old suffered for five hours in the car which was parked up in a city street according to the Policia Nacional.
The father is being investigated for a crime of reckless homicide.

His daughter went with him on Tuesday morning to go to a nursery, but for reasons unknown he forgot she was him and went to work.
No passer-by noticed the presence of the girl inside the vehicle.
It was the father himself who discovered his fatal mistake after finishing his working day at 4pm.
He found the girl unconscious and took her to Castellon General Hospital.
Health staff were unable to revive the youngster.
In July 2023, a four-year-old boy died in the Pontevedra municipality of O Porriño after spending several hours ‘forgotten’ inside a vehicle in a car park on a sunny and hot day.