15 Oct, 2024 @ 11:37
2 mins read

Exclusive: Brit invents razor device that removes jellyfish stings – after his sister was attacked by a Man O’war in Spain

A BRITISH entrepreneur has created a device which stops jellyfish stings causing serious harm after his sister was blinded in Mallorca. 

Mark Dyer, a 60-year-old investor from London invented the Stingblade in 2018 after his sister was stung by a Portuguese Man o’ War. 

Stingblade works like a razor, removing the stinger from the skin and preventing the venom from seeping into the body. 

Avid swimmers, divers and lifeguards can wear the simple but ingenious device as a band around their arm, ready for any emergency. 

Stingblade can be worn as an armband for easy access Photo: Stingblade

Mark understands all too well the effects of an untreated sting after his very own sister, Tracey, was blinded after a Portuguese Man O’War wrapped its 60ft long tentacles around her. 

She was swimming in a Mallorca bay when the ‘tragedy’ occurred.

“The pain she experienced was like sticking your fingers into an electric socket and turning it on,” said Mark. 

Tracey’s stings left her with lasting scars
Photo: Stingblade

“Eventually she got out and the lifeguards plastered her with goo but that pushed the poison in and she lost her eyesight.”

Although she has now regained half her vision, her experience pushed Mark to create a solution. 

“I’m a keen diver and swimmer and get stung incessantly, one day I thought I could use a diving knife to get the stinger out and it worked a treat,” he said. 

Mark is an avid swimmer and diver

A while later he was swimming in Italy when he was caught in a shoal of jellyfish, suffering 25 brutal stings over 20 minutes. 

Once he escaped and got back to his hotel, he grabbed a razor and ran it all over his body to remove the stingers. 

That night, he went out to dinner as normal, feeling only a ‘slight itch.’ 

Mark hails from a family of manufacturers, namely, his father was a key part of Wilkinson’s Sword and invented the bonded edge blade. 

The device is designed like a razor to remove jellyfish stingers Photo: Stingblade

It seems only fitting that a razor was the key to Mark’s new product. 

Made from recycled plastic in the UK, the Stingblade uses a razor like system to safely and easily remove jellyfish stingers. 

The armband can be worn while swimming
Photo: Stingblade

“It should be in every beach bar, every yacht charter, every diving company. I’d love to get the Spanish coast guard to adopt it as protocol. For once the Spanish would love the English,” he told the Olive Press

“If you get stung it can ruin your entire holiday because you get itchy, inflamed skin and you’ll be in a lot of pain. The Stingblade will stop that” 

Now, the Stingblade team are touring boat and yacht shows in Europe and beyond, with interest from the Philippines, South Africa, Brazil and France. 

Currently, it is available to buy on Amazon or on their website in both blade and arm band versions. 

Yzabelle Bostyn

After spending much of her childhood in Andalucia and adulthood between Barcelona and Latin America, Yzabelle has settled in the Costa del Sol to put her NCTJ & Journalism Masters to good use. She is particularly interested in travel, vegan food and has been leading the Olive Press Nolotil campaign. Have a story? email yzabelle@theolivepress.es

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