ANDALUCIA’S Health Ministry confirmed on Thursday that a Navarre women died from the West Nile virus after visiting Utrera in Sevilla province- taking the death toll to six this summer.
She had suffered from various conditions and everybody that has died from the virus in Andalucia have been in the Sevilla area or had visited it.
Authorities verified on August 12 that the latest victim went to Utrera and returned home where died from fever with the virus only transmitted to people via mosquito bites.
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Three people have died in Coria del Río, one of them an elderly woman over 87 years of age and with previous pathologies and another a 71-year-old person.
Other victims are a woman over 71 years of age from Dos Hermanas and with previous pathologies and an 86-year-old woman infected in La Puebla del Río.
The regional Health Ministry has reported around 60 cases this summer in Coria del Río, Dos Hermanas, La Puebla del Río, Los Palacios and Villafranca, Alcala de Guadaíra, Gerena, Carmona, Tomares, Mairena del Aljarafe, San Juan de Aznalfarache, Huelva, Guillena, Gelves and Utrera.
Andalucia’s Strategic Plan obliges municipalities affected by mosquitoes transmitting the West Nile virus to deploy local plans for preventive fumigation against the insects.
In addition, the Sevilla Provincial Council has contracted two disinfestation firms at a cost of over €1 million to boost municipal plans in towns affected by the problem.