CATS are being shot at, poisoned and deliberately run over by ‘cruel’ locals in southern Spain, animal activists have claimed.
In a shocking statement, the Cats and Dogs Chispa association said the abuse has been going on for years in Castellar de la Frontera, just a short drive inland from the Costa del Sol – with one cat allegedly having been submerged in boiling water.
According to the charity, some residents are shooting cats with shotguns and trying to run them over on purpose.
Poison is also being spread across the pavements in areas across Castellar, the group said, with cats and even dogs ending up sick or dying.
“In a block of flats, there are several people who have been receiving threats from a neighbour, as they do not like cats,” the association said.
It said pet cats have gone missing from the block to never be seen again, while others have been found brutally beaten.
The association said: “A neighbour’s cat was beaten to such an extent that the cat ended up with a destroyed heart and lungs, although she was taken to the vet the beating was so brutal that she could not be saved and ended up dying.
“Another cat was found with its head almost burst and its eyes popping out…”

The charity said the alleged attacker is being reported to the police, but that it is just one example of many shocking attacks.
It added: “We have already spent a couple of years in which poor cats and dogs have to suffer because of heartless people.
“There are cases of poisoning, beatings, attacks, deliberate hit and runs, and one cat was even submerged in boiling water…
“We ask that if you do not like cats or dogs, you should at least respect them and not attempt to endanger their lives.”