24 Jun, 2024 @ 10:47
1 min read

PICTURED: Friend pays tribute to 27-year-old ‘adventurous soul’ who died after falling from a cliff on the Costa del Sol

THE 27-year-old man who fell to his death from a clifftop in the Costa del Sol resort of Nerja has been named as Turkish national Berkehan Gundogan.

Gundogan fell to his death around 7.15pm on Wednesday, June 19.

He and a group of friends had been scaling a clifftop between the beaches of Carabeo and Carabeíllo when the tragedy struck.

The route had been closed to the public for years due to safety concerns.

He suffered a severe head injury from the fall and was in critical condition. Paramedics rushed to the scene but were unable to save his life.

READ MORE: Fears for missing US tourist who vanished from Spain during a holiday to Barcelona two weeks ago

Berkehan Gundogan, 27, died last week after falling from a cliff

“He was an adventurous soul, who thrived in risky situations like this incident,” his friend Atakan Hanedanoglu told the Olive Press.

“He always lived every day to its fullest, as much as he could. He was always one of the most energetic and positive people in the room.

“He always hyped up his friends; he was a generous and reliable buddy.”

Gundogan had just finished studying a Masters in translation at the University of Malaga and was set to start a research internship at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa.

Walter Finch

Walter - or Walt to most people - is a former and sometimes still photographer and filmmaker who likes to dig under the surface.
A NCTJ-trained journalist, he came to the Costa del Sol - Gibraltar hotspot from the Daily Mail in 2022 to report on organised crime, corruption, financial fraud and a little bit of whatever is going on.
Got a story? walter@theolivepress.es

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