9 Jun, 2024 @ 17:16
1 min read

Hotel with ‘capsule rooms’ similar to a futuristic spaceship is coming to a major city in southern Spain – but could YOU stay in one?

A HOTEL which offers ‘capsules’ for as little as €25 per night is coming to a major city in southern Spain.

The Futurotel brand works by offering a series of stacked ‘capsules’ for their guests to sleep in, while keeping labour costs low by hiring no more than four people at the site.

After opening locations in Malaga and Granada, the firm has now set its sights on Sevilla, specifically in the neighbourhood of Los Remedios.

The hostel, on Calle Virgen de Consolacion, will have a total of 69 places.

The futuristic style capsule-rooms can be shared between two people or used by one traveller.

Only one employee needs to be on site at any given time, with all reservations made and managed at headquarters.

“Our low costs allow us to offer a room from 25 euros in places where the average room costs 110,” the hotel group’s website says.

In the Malaga location, special mention is made of the double room known as the “spaceship”.

The site reads: “This room presents a unique concept of a double capsule for two people that comes with access to a kitchen and living room in common areas, free shared refrigerator, private refrigerator with an additional charge of €2.90 euros per day, HBO, smart mirror, smart toilet, faucets with screen, wide assortment of amenities with various types of gels, body milk and conditioner, interactive screen with games and excursion reservations, 22v plug, USB charger, ambient and reading light, 32-inch television, state-of-the-art mattress selection, private locker with lock, laundry service (for an additional fee).”

The Sevilla location is in the middle of construction and will open ‘soon’.

Laurence Dollimore

Laurence has a BA and MA in International Relations and a Gold Standard diploma in Multi-Media journalism from News Associates in London. He has almost a decade of experience and previously worked as a senior reporter for the Mail Online in London.

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