SPAIN’s top summer destination has been revealed by an online poll and it’s an ‘oasis of peace’ loved for its quiet atmosphere and beautiful beaches.
Anti-tourism sentiment is sweeping across Spain recently, with mass protests planned in popular cities like Malaga.
With this in mind, many will ask, where can I go where I’m not putting undue pressure on locals?
According to a new YouGov poll, Galicia is the best place to spend your summer vacation.

The northern region of Spain has been growing in popularity thanks to its relatively cool temperatures compared to the boiling south and urban hotpots of Madrid and Barcelona.
Not only this, Galicia is known for its peace and tranquility as an area largely untouched by international tourism.
In comparison, YouGov actually warned against visiting Andalucia or the Valencian Community due to overcrowding.
Much like other coastal areas of Spain, Galicia has lovely beaches, mountains, great gastronomy and impressive cities rolled into one.
All of this, without the downside of fighting for a terrace table or bunching up next to sweaty tourists on the bus.
Galicia also has the advantage of not being too pricey thanks to the low demand.
According to the University of Santiago de Compostela, one of the region’s main cities, a beer costs on average €1.90.

The main historic cities to explore are Santiago, Pontevedra, Vigo, A Coruna and Lugo.
From Santiago, be sure to check out part of the famous pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiago which will lead you along the region’s calming countryside.
If you love the coast, check out A Coruña and Vigo’s coast, Ribadeo, the Isla de Ons and the Costa de Morte, amongst many others.
YouGov also recommended Galicia’s neighbouring region, Asturias, alongside Cantabria, Extremadura and Castilla La Mancha.