A SEVILLA province man has taken to social media to explain why is he is being euthanised this Friday.
The Castilblanco de los Arroyos resident, 52, has had his request granted after a long campaign and used social networks to say goodbye.
“I’ve been lying in a hospital bed for five years, tired of living like this,” he said.
- Spain’s Constitutional Court votes to uphold euthanasia law
- Euthanasia: What we know about assisted suicides within the first year since legalisation in Spain
- Explainer: Euthanasia law in Spain comes into force

He commented that it has been a ‘long and painful’ process to ask for the application of the euthanasia law, until it was finally been granted.
“I am imprisoned in my body and I will no longer be able to lead a normal life. I am not afraid of death but of suffering in life,” he wrote.
“ I know that no one will approve of my decision and it is understandable, but everyone has to carry their cross and their beliefs.”
“I have made the decision to die with dignity, to leave this world with a smile in my soul and a full life.”
He revealed that he always knew that he would die young and that he is proud of his family and friends, adding, ‘this not be a goodbye but a see you later’.
“I will cross over to another better life, or so I want to believe,” he continued.
“I believe that with all my defects I have been, or want to believe, that I was a good, humble person and that I have always fought for values and for the weakest and marginalised, in my own way.”
The Andalucia region saw 56 requests for euthanasia received last year, and 34 procedures were performed after 40 cases were examined.
Of the 40 open files, 21 of the applicants suffer or suffered from neurological disease; seven oncological; nine with multiple pathologies; and three respiratory.