10 Apr, 2024 @ 08:37
1 min read

Woman who sliced off her boyfriend’s penis with a kitchen knife in Spain is jailed and ordered to pay huge compensation costs

JAIL and huge compensation costs have been ordered for a woman who sliced off her boyfriend’s penis with a kitchen knife. 

The woman was accused of attacking her boyfriend almost three years ago. 

Now, she has accepted a jail sentence of seven years for aggravated assault after recognising her actions. 

The judge delivered the verdict this Tuesday, April 9 at the Audiencia de Barcelona. 

It comes after an agreement between the prosecution and the defence team. 

The defendant will serve further five years in prison, as she has already served two.

She was also ordered to pay €250,000 in compensation to her former boyfriend and boss at a bar in Sant Andreu de la Barca (Barcelona).

The compensation was decided based on the psychological and physical damage suffered by the man, who has not yet undergone reconstruction surgery. 

With the help of a Bengali interpreter, the woman told the court she had been having a relationship with the bar owner for ‘years’. 

It is reported she worked in one of the venues owned by the victim. 

In order for the sentence to be passed, the woman had to rescind her not guilty verdict and admit the crime to the court. 

Her lawyer had to ask for a pause in the court proceedings to speak to his client before the admission was made. 

The crime occurred on May 31, 2021, when the victim came to the bar with the intention of helping the woman close up. 

The perpetrator pretended to give the man oral sex but instead cut off his penis with a kitchen knife. 

He stated the woman insisted they have sex, despite him saying he was too tired. 

“She put me on the sofa and covered my eyes with a rag because she said she was embarrassed. She had brought the knife and had hidden it somewhere so that I wouldn’t see it.” 

At first, the perpetrator would not let him leave. 

She had allegedly turned off the cameras to avoid filming the intercourse but the man switched them back on to make a record of the incident. 

Then, he fled the bar and attempted to go to hospital. 

However, he could not make it and called emergency services.


Yzabelle Bostyn

After spending much of her childhood in Andalucia and adulthood between Barcelona and Latin America, Yzabelle has settled in the Costa del Sol to put her NCTJ & Journalism Masters to good use. She is particularly interested in travel, vegan food and has been leading the Olive Press Nolotil campaign. Have a story? email yzabelle@theolivepress.es

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