BENIDORM has logged its biggest registered population with 74,588 residents- surpassing its previous best in 2013.
It is now within touching distance of reaching the 75,000 mark which would give it ‘big city’ status and allow it to get more money from the government.

The National Institute of Statistics(INE) said that an extra 2,250 people signed up on the municipal padron last year and the total is 820 more than the record set 11 years ago.
The actual population is almost certainly higher due to some residents- mainly foreigners- not bothering to register or renew on the padron.
Benidorm mayor, Toni Perez, said: “These figures confirm there’s a growing interest not only in living in Benidorm, but also in registering in our city, something which allows us to improve public services.”
Councils in Spain are always keen to boost padron numbers to qualify for more State aid and regularly run campaigns with that in mind.
Toni Perez said the final total could change as there is time for a council challenge, especially as local padron registrations are always higher than INE numbers.

“Benidorm is an engine for job creation and an improving economy, which is reflected in residency figures,” he added.
“It is a slow but solid and sustained growth over time and that has made us go from just over 66,000 inhabitants to more than 74,500 in just over a few years.”