STORM Nelson is set to put a dampener on Spain’s Easter Day celebrations this Sunday according to weather forecasters.
It’s predicted to bring strong gusts of wind, adverse coastal phenomena and abundant rainfall in parts of the country over the next few days.
Weather changes started on Monday with significant rainfalls in some parts of the south.

Colder temperatures were noted on Tuesday with a combination of rain and wind, but it will be the coolest day of Semana Santa(Holy Week).
On Wednesday, there will be more rain in the west and centre of Spain, as well as the surroundings of the Pyrenees.
The heaviest rains will be in Galicia, western Castilla y Leon and Extremadura, but will not reach the coastal Mediterranean regions.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday will see a passage of frontal systems crossing the Iberian Peninsula from west to east, and that means more rain.
Thursday’s projection sees roughly the same areas hit as Wednesday, but with western Andalucia brought into the mix.
Once again, the Mediterranean coast and the Balearic Islands are not expected to see much, if any, rain.
The unstable weather pattern will continue until Easter Day- Sunday- with Atlantic storms arriving over the weekend.
The main rain areas will once again be the western and central areas of the country, but for Sunday, forecasters expect it to become more widespread and to include the east coast and the Balearics.
Between Friday and Sunday, winds from the south and south-west will predominate, losing some intensity compared to earlier in the week.