SPAIN’S traffic authority has warned of fines of up to €500 for drivers who fail to carry vital documents in their car.
In a press release last week, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) reminded people that travelling without certain papers is actually illegal.
Drivers were also warned that you must have the original paperwork or document, and not a photocopy.
If you want to go digital, you can upload all your documents to the MiDGT phone app, however it is best to also have the hard copies in your vehicle in case your device runs out of battery or has no service when you are asked to show the documents by a police officer.
READ MORE: Driving in Spain? Adhere to this rule to avoid fines of up to €200

According to the DGT, fines for failing to show documentation can range from €10 to €3,005, depending on the severity of the offence.
Each document that you do not show, including your MOT (ITV) or licence, will bring a fine of at least €10, while an out-of-date licence will cost you €80.
If you are driving an unauthorised vehicle, present an invalid licence, are driving without a licence or an expired or rejected MOT (ITV), you could be fined €500 and lose four points.
If you are driving an uninsured vehicle, the sanction will range from €601 to €3,005.
All the above documents are also required for rentals, so it is advisable to check they are in the vehicle before setting off in a hire car.