WEATHER experts have revealed Spain’s coldest day of 2024 will be in January.

It’s no secret that Spain’s temperatures drop in winter.
The country has an average temperature of around 8.4C in the first month of the year.
Average temperatures can reach as low as 4C, making it the coldest month, followed by February and December.
January is also expected to see this year’s coldest day, falling on the 21st of the month.
The average temperature will be a cool 7.9C.
However, this prediction includes the Canary Islands, which historically have higher temperatures than mainland Spain.
If we remove the islands from consideration, Spain’s coldest days lands on the 15th of January.
On Monday, the average temperature will be 7.3C.
The prediction is based on historic temperatures from 1991-2020.
Current weather reports are in line with this prediction.