16 Nov, 2023 @ 15:00
1 min read

Renfe sale: Young person’s railcard is reduced from €50 to just €6, offering discounts of up to 30%

SPANISH rail network Renfe has announced a €44 sale on their young person’s railcard, which offers travellers discounts of up to 30%. 

The sale applies to the ‘Mas Renfe Joven’ card and is available until December 21. 

It gives users 25% off travel on AVE, Larga Distancia, Avant, Media Distancia y Cercanías/Rodalies services.

The card also offers 30% off AVE International trips between Spain and France. 

Available for people aged between 14-25, it also gives users access to the Renfe loyalty scheme benefits. 

This age range can also benefit from the Carne Joven, which gives 20% discounts on Avant, Media Distancia and Regionales services as part of the Feve network. 

It also gives users a 5% discount on Ave and Larga Distancia trains. 

To benefit, young people must have a Carne Joven, as given by their local council or another type of identification such as the European Youth Card. 

To see all the terms and conditions, visit Renfe


Yzabelle Bostyn

After spending much of her childhood in Andalucia and adulthood between Barcelona and Latin America, Yzabelle has settled in the Costa del Sol to put her NCTJ & Journalism Masters to good use. She is particularly interested in travel, vegan food and has been leading the Olive Press Nolotil campaign. Have a story? email yzabelle@theolivepress.es

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