10 Aug, 2023 @ 09:14
1 min read

Ferries in Spain’s Andalucia use biofuels to cut carbon emissions by 90% across Straits of Gibraltar

FERRIES that cut down carbon dioxide emissions by 90% using locally made biofuels will soon sail out of the Algeciras port in Spain’s Andalucia.

A San Roque plant just a few kilometres north of Algeciras run by oil company Cepsa will create the biofuels out of agricultural waste.

Armas Transmediterranea will use the biofuel on 84 ferry journeys to the Spanish city of Ceuta across the Straits of Gibraltar.

The second generation biofuels do not require engine conversion and help cut Spain’s carbon footprint.

The move follows Cepsa’s decision to reconvert one of its Isomax plant to turn the agricultural waste into sustainable diesel.

It will stop the emission of more than 63 tons of carbon dioxide, that comes to planting 750 trees.

The ferries will fill up 15% of their tanks with renewable diesel, helping reach European Commission goals to fight climate change.

Cepsa tested its second generation biofuel on its own ships before releasing into the private market.

“We are advancing in the objective of becoming the leader in the production of biofuels in Spain and Portugal, while facilitating the decarbonization of our clients in the maritime sector,” Samir Fernández, director of Cepsa’s Marine Fuel Solutions, said.

The former state oil company is also offering its own natural gas solutions and will soon be able to produce synthetics marine fuel.

It expects to lead the Iberian green hydrogen revolution by increasing production to 2.5 million tons by 2030 and expanding it to road and air transportation.

Agustín Aguilera Armas Trasmediterránea director of Exploitation and Environment said the ferry company is ‘clearly committed to the energy transition’.

He said the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge had endorsed the plans which would soon be expanded to the rest of the fleet.


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