A CAMPAIGN group has confirmed it will take the ‘abhorrent’ development of 2,200 homes in scenic Cala Mosca to court.
Salvemos Cala Mosca refuses to give up and will keep fighting for the defence of ‘the last virgin kilometre of Orihuela Costa’.
The controversial plan was stopped in 2008 because of its environmental impact, but it was finally approved by the town’s council last April.
“The problem is that all local governments since 2015 have helped the developer in every way they could,” Carlos Bernabe, leader of Cambiemos party in Orihuela, told the Olive Press.
The Olive Press previously exposed giant developer Gomendio for using ‘intimidation’ and ‘lies’ to put pressure on local authorities.
The green light for the housing project was confirmed by the new PP-VOX local government in June.

Salvemos Cala Mosca, which has been actively organising protests against the development, has now decided to take the fight a step further.
“We have submitted an official document to confirm we will be taking the case to court very soon,” the group’s spokesman Angel Barcelo told the Olive Press.
Barcelo insisted: “We will ask for an injunction and if this is granted, the works will be stopped until the judicial proceedings finish.”
The activists’ complaint is seen as ‘very positive’ by Cambiemos party, which also started a court procedure against Cala Mosca’s ‘urban atrocity’ earlier this year.
“Last May, we also asked for an injunction to stop the construction works,” Bernabe explained.
He continued: “There is hope; we have invested a lot of resources in this, but it is true that the court’s decision is uncertain.
Words shared by Salvemos Cala Mosca’s spokesman: “We still have great hope. A judge will decide but we believe it is possible to stop it.”

However, there is not much time left: “The area has been fenced off, several trees have been cut down and one of the ways to access the beach is now closed,” Barcelo concluded.
Ecologistas en Accion gave Cala Mosca a black flag for its bad management last month, something that Bernabe considers ‘logic’.
Orihuela deserves many black blags becuase of the uncontrolled and ongoing construction in its coast.
Read more:
- Giant Cala Mosca Developer Gomendio made threats to councillors for the project approval
- 48 black flags handed to environmentally ‘destroyed’ beaches and coastal areas across Spain
- Costa Blanca slammed for the continuous destruction and pollution of its coasts