6 Jul, 2023 @ 11:01
1 min read

HAVE YOU SEEN? Missing child abducted by his father in Portugal thought to have crossed into Spain

Missing child Jayden Pearson

A CHILD who was abducted by his biological father while on holiday in Portugal a year ago is thought to have crossed into Spain.

Jayden Pearson, 14, was seen most recently in Portugal and is believed to have been near the Spain border.

The Doncaster-native is slim, 5ft tall (152cm), with blue-green eyes and blonde-light brown hair.

He was last seen by his mother, who has legal custody, when she waved him off on a 10-day trip to the Algarve in August 2022 with his father Andrew Pearson, 33.

However, when the airport taxi did not pick Jayden up upon his return flight and Andrew blocked her number, mother Rebecca Jones, 35, began to fear the worst.

Police investigations in both Portugal and the UK have placed the child at Ribera do Carrasqueiro in Alcobaca, Portugal and later towards the end of 2022 potentially in Castelo Branco. 

It is now feared that biological father Andrew could have brought the boy into Andalucia in efforts to evade capture.

Missing child Jayden Pearson
Missing child Jayden Pearson, 14, is about 5 feet tall (152cm) with blue-green eyes and blonde-light brown hair. He was last seen with biological father Andrew Pearson, 33, (bottom right)

Rebecca gained custody of Jayden and his brother, Mathew, 11, in 2019 after her relationship broke down with Andrew.

But she agreed to let him go on the holiday with his father, unaware of what he was planning.

If you spot either Jayden or Andrew, you are advised not to approach but contact the authorities.

Instead report any sightings to overseas crisis support charity LBT Global on +44 1983 718802 Option 9 or the Information Hotline  +44800 098 8485, or WhatsApp +44 7543 166 561, or email delta.ops@lbt.global.

Alternatively contact South Yorkshire Police, from the UK call 101 and from overseas call +44 114 2196905.

You do not have to leave your name and all information will be passed to the relevant authorities.


Walter Finch

Walter Finch, who comes from a background in video and photography, is keen on reporting on and investigating organised crime, corruption and abuse of power. He is fascinated by the nexus between politics, business and law-breaking, as well as other wider trends that affect society.
Born in London but having lived in six countries, he is well-travelled and worldly. He studied Philosophy at the University of Birmingham and earned his diploma in journalism from London's renowned News Associates during the Covid era.
He got his first break in the business working on the Foreign News desk of the Daily Mail's online arm, where he also helped out on the video desk.
He then decided to escape the confines of London and returned to Spain in 2022, having previously lived in Barcelona for many years.
He took up up a reporter role with the Olive Press Newspaper and today he is based in La Linea de la Concepcion at the heart of a global chokepoint and crucial maritime hub, where he edits the Olive Press Gibraltar edition.
He is also the deputy news editor across all editions of the newspaper.

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