ELCHE’S Policia Local have seized 100 boxes of fake goods featuring well-known brands after a tip-off said that counterfeit products were sold at a local store.
The information included that samples were kept in a suitcase next to a warehouse door and officers raided the premises.
As promised the case was there with several fake Prada and Gucci bags inside.
Warehouse employees could not account for the products and gave contradictory stories as they had been ordered to by their manager.
A full inspection yielded 100 boxes containing a dozen well-known brands and the police took away the items.
The business had no appropriate licence and there were no fire extinguishers or system in place to put out a blaze.
A few kilometres away on a Crevillente industrial estate, the Guardia Civil and Policia Nacional arrested a 47-year-old Chinese national for storing 1,779 items of fake-branded childrens clothing which were destined for retailers.
Besides intellectual property crimes, he’s been charged with not having a waste management system installed at his warehouse.
- Police bust fake goods racket selling items at Costa Blanca market stalls in Spain
- Time runs out for fake luxury watch distribution gang on Spain’s Costa Blanca
- Fraudsters had stocks of fake-branded clothes with total €10 million price tag in Spain’s Murcia