8 Jun, 2023 @ 15:47
1 min read

Summer sports programme in Gibraltar starts early as three schools change end of term dates

Summer Sports Gib

THE government’s summer sports programme for children will start early in Gibraltar after three local schools announced they would close their doors sooner than normal.

Pupils from Governor’s Meadow, St Mary’s and Bishop Fitzgerald School will now be able to attend the sports sessions when their terms finish up.

The Gibraltar Sports and Leisure Authority (GSLA) said they will start running their weekday sports programme for July 3 from 9am to 12.30pm.

The scheme is an hour longer than usual, allowing parents to work out of term time.

“It is imperative and unavoidable that the three schools in question have to break early,” Sports Minister Steven Linares said in a statement.

“This might have caused a bit of inevitable disruption.

“To this end the GSLA have managed to bring forward elements of the summer schemes to cater for those children who wish to start the summer activities early.”

All other schools will close at the normal time of the year a week later in July.

“It will once again be a jam-packed summer,” Linares promised.

Activities on offer will include sports like swimming and football.

The GSLA will announce more specific details about their summer sports programme ‘in the next couple of weeks’, the minister added.

The activities are put on to allow parents to go about their normal working lives before possibly heading to the seaside in the afternoon.

It will add to select workshops and outings organised by the Ministry of Culture.


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