5 Jun, 2023 @ 15:23
3 mins read

EXCLUSIVE: London-based rising star from Gibraltar reveals how she accidentally became a singer aged nine

Chloe Martinez Gib Star

GIBRALTAR’S rising music star, iamChloeMartinez, as she wishes to be known, is making all the right moves in British capital London after getting a big following on social media. Having released her first single ‘7654’ in January, she talks to The Olive Press about how singing helped her get through hard times, her firm local roots and her plans for the future.

When did you first get interested in making music?

Singing was something I always loved doing from a very young age but it was never something I took seriously. When I was younger I dreamt of being a painter or helping animals as a vet, it never crossed my mind that I was ‘born to sing’ until a near-death experience hit me. I was hospitalised at 9 years old for several months and by singing I was able to get through my treatments and entertain myself and the nurses who looked after me. When I recovered, my parents put me into an academy to learn more and it all took off from there. In my early teen years, I then started composing songs from melodies I’d come up with. I learnt more about music theory and what goes into a song and started creating my own since.

How did you develop that passion over the years?

It became an escape, as well as a solution to many problems. I discovered that there was a song for everything I’ve been through and if not I’d compose one myself. Music has been a constant in my life and will always be there for me when I need it most. I think my passion developed more by discovering genres and different artists throughout the years.

You have always been up front about being a lesbian on your social media posts. How important is it to be open about your sexuality, especially now during Pride Month?

I think it’s important to embrace your truth and if you have a platform where you can be a voice for somebody and for change, then I think it’s wise to use it to your best ability and represent others who relate to you when you need it. Visibility is also very important. I’m open about who I am and who I love because I wish I could have had an artist like myself to look up to when growing up and that’s who I hope to become.

Do you think coming from a small tight-knit community like Gibraltar stifled you or just inspired you to continue your career path?

Even though Gibraltar is so small compared to other places around the world, we are so lucky to be blessed with such an incredible combination of culture and creatives. There are so many incredible Gibraltarian musicians who I have had the privilege to watch and perform with over the years and the music scene in Gibraltar continues to thrive and become richer and richer. The knowledge that has been passed down to me and the music exposure I have received over the years has been a massive help in educating me further and in inspiring me to continue my music career.

Do you still feel very Gibraltarian in your heart or do you think you have transcended that part of your upbringing?

I never left home I simply carry it with me. I am very proud to be Gibraltarian and to carry my flag and heritage with me in every song to any place I visit. I am blessed to call Gibraltar my homeland, it will never leave me.

How did social media play a path in getting your talent out into people’s attention?

Social media has played a big part in sharing who I am and connecting with other people. I have been able to reach new audiences and make life long friends through it. I’m very grateful for the opportunities it has given me and the new connections in my life.


When did you realise you could make it? Did getting to London play a part?

This question is worded so kindly. There are a few goals I’d like to meet before I consider myself to have “made it”. My biggest goal in life is to be happy and do what I love surrounded by the people I love the most. I’m currently in the works of making lots happen and I hope that maybe one day soon that day will come, but for now I’ll continue to dream hard and work just as hard to make it all come true.

What are your immediate plans for the future?

I’ve just finished working for a company creating content and presenting for TikTok and I am now going into music full time. I was offered a scholarship to a school where Ed Sheeran is patron of back in 2019 and the year course was cut short due to COVID-19. Since gaining an accidental following on TikTok, I dedicated the following 2 years to working and creating to be able to fund my career and look after myself and I am now in the position where I can afford to invest my time and focus 100% on my career.

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

In 5 years time I hope to have made a lot of history for my homeland and continue to see the world through music and create the best memories through those experiences.

The artist iamChloeMartinez recently released her first single ‘7654’ from her debut album ‘To me from me’.


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