2 Jun, 2023 @ 14:59
1 min read

Christian Santos marks last days as mayor with receptions for charities, schools and theatre groups

Gib Mayor Reception

POPULAR mayor of Gibraltar Christian Santos waved goodbye to the charities that he has worked with during the last two years in a reception held at the Mayor’s Parlour.

Santos gave a heartfelt speech to assembled fundraisers and awareness gurus as he gives way to new Mayor Carmen Gomez on Tuesday.

The mayor for the past two years has supported many of the charity’s campaigns over the last two years, helping them raise funds and holding cheque presentations at the City Hall.

Santos thanked the people who voluntarily give their free time to help out the community in his reception speech.

He said they did so much for Gibraltar that he was privileged to meet them and help promote the work they do.

“His Worship explained how engaging with these individuals and organisations had taught him so much more about what they do, which was above and beyond what we all take for granted,” the Mayor’s Office said in a statement.

“He therefore felt that this reception was in appreciation and celebration of them, their work, commitment and passion.”

Santos was even more expressive on social media.

“It was wonderful to see such inspiring people under one roof,” he posted.

“I will remember my time in office forever and it’s because of all the people that I have crossed paths with and worked with.

“Last night was another special night reconnecting with them all.”

The departing mayor also helped launch Pride Month on June 1, which he helped make even more popular as an openly gay married man.

Before that, he invited a teacher and two students from each school to attend a City Hall reception to thank the education sector for their support.

Last week, the Mayor discussed the future of drama with a large group of actors and fans called Theatre Makers

“Thank you so much for receiving us so warmly,” Keigan Garcia said on social media about the meeting.

“We wish you the very best in your final week in office and your future endeavours!”


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