21 Mar, 2023 @ 17:00
1 min read

40% of migrants who lost their lives while traveling to Spain died between 2020 and 2022

Rescatados 61 Migrantes Subsaharianos A Bordo De Una Patera En Las Costas De Tenerife
A canoe with 61 sub-Saharan migrants on board was intercepted on Saturday while sailing towards the island of Tenerife, according to sources from the Maritime Rescue. The cayuco, located by the Salvamar Alpheratz boat, has arrived at the port of Los Cristianos with nine minors among the occupants, migrants (Photo by Mercedes Menendez / Pacific Press)

The Association for Human Rights in Andalucia has found that 40% of people who lost their lives on their migratory journey to Spain since 2003 occurred during a three-year period from 2020 to 2022. The total number of deaths during that time amounts to more than 5,000.  

The data presented in the annual Frontera Sur report reveals that travel from Africa to Spain on precarious boats is becoming more dangerous with more bodies washing up on the Spanish coastline.

In 2022 five people a day lost their lives at the Spanish southern border. 70% of the deaths happened on route to the Canary Islands, the most dangerous crossing point.

The report explains that this loss of human life is not an accidental occurrence but rather the ‘result of hardline migratory policies which seek to seal the southern border by increased militarization of crossing routes, the outsourcing of immigration controls, criminalization of migration and depersonalization of victims’. 


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