8 Feb, 2023 @ 15:49
1 min read

Youth service reaches out to the public to discuss three year plan as it opens a mental health exhibition

68.1 2023

GIBRALTAR’S youth service is planning meetings with the wider public ‘to get informed, discuss and identify the needs of young people’, it said in a statement.

This week, the Youth Service held an art exhibition at the GEMA gallery to mark Children’s Mental Health week.

The planned meetings with stakeholders in the community will share ‘proposals and ideas’ to help the youth service draw up its three-year strategy.

The Youth Service will hold its first public open day on February 13.

It will bring together the views of its Young People Group, youth support workers and volunteers, professionals from the Child Protection Committee, NGO’s, charities and the public.

This week, young people are showing off their creations on mental health at the Gibraltar Exhibitions of Modern Art (GEMA) gallery.

Called ‘Let’s Connect’, the exhibition follows engaging Youth Service workshops over the last few weeks.

68.3 2023
EMPATHY: Minister for Culture Steven Linares poses with a young person and his art

“Members from all four youth clubs have been learning about the values that connecting with others can have on our emotional and mental well-being,” the Youth Service said in a statement.

“Members have used many mediums to express their ideas on connection, from animation, to clay work, photography, painting and collage-making to name a few.”

Youth workers held a residential weekend at the Europa Retreat Centre to ‘experience how to connect with others’, the government department said.

Minister for Youth Steven Linares visited the group to support their work and witness with his very own eyes the journey they took to complete the project.


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