12 Jan, 2023 @ 17:23
2 mins read

Shakira launches scathing attack on ex-partner Pique in new song with star producer Bizarrap

Shakira and Bizarrap
Shakira and Bizarrap, in a promotional photo for their new song.

WHEN news broke of the custody arrangement, and definitive split, between Shakira and Gerard Pique back in November, the Colombian singing superstar released a song, Monotony, whose lyrics and video conveyed heartbreak. But barely two months later, how things have changed.

Yesterday saw the release of a track called Session 53, the latest in a long line of songs from one of the hottest producers of the moment, Bizarrap. 

In it, Shakira takes aim not just at her former partner, the ex-footballer Pique, but also his new girlfriend Clara Chia. Pique is rumoured to have started seeing Chia while still in a relationship with Shakira.  

The devastating lyrics include lines such as:

‘A she-wolf like me isn’t for rookies,

A she-wolf like me isn’t for guys like you.’ 


‘I was out of your league, that’s why you’re 

With someone just like you’


‘You left me with your mum as a neighbour, 

The press at my door and a debt with Hacienda.’

The latter is a reference to Shakira’s ongoing battles with the Spanish Tax Agency, which is taking her to court on allegations that she evaded €14.5 million in taxes by claiming she was not living in Spain. 

The full song from Shakira and Bizarrap (in Spanish with English subtitles).

But some of the most barbed lines of the song are reserved for Pique’s girlfriend.

‘She’s got the name of a good person,

Clearly it’s not how it sounds.’ (Here, Shakira sings in Spanish: ‘Clara – mente…’, which is a play on words of his partner’s name, Clara)

‘Clearly she’s just like you.

For guys like you.

I was out of your league, that’s why you’re with someone just like you.’

The song has prompted a flurry of reaction on social media, via WhatsApp and from YouTubers, in particular thanks to these lines:

‘You swapped a Ferrari for a Twingo, 

You swappeed a Rolex for a Casio.’

Jokes and memes have abounded all day today, in particular from (mock) offended owners of Twingos and Casio watches. 

‘The Twingo after hearing the song from Shakira and Bizarrap.’ ‘What did I do?’

In reaction to the release, Clara Chia (who is the Twingo and the Casio in the song, compared to Shakira, the Ferrari and Rolex), posted an Instagram story with a yawn on Thursday before deleting it. Pique, meanwhile, has remained quiet. 

Meanwhile, popular Spanish streamer Ibai Llanos, who is a good friend of Pique’s, released a video in which he expressed his surprise about the harshness of the lyrics. 

The relationship between Shakira and Pique came to an end in June, and when the custody agreement over their two sons, Milan, 9, and Sasha, 7, was announced in November, that was the definitive end to their 12-year relationship. 

Shakira is due to move from Barcelona to Miami with her children, while Pique has been granted generous visitation rights. The step has been delayed, however, due to the frail health of her father, who has been undergoing hospital treatment in Spain for several months now.

Earlier this week sources close to Shakira conveyed the singer’s displeasure after her son Milan appeared on a Twitch livestream with his father. Those sources told The Olive Press that she had not given her ‘prior consent’ nor was she ‘consulted’ about her son Milan’s participation in a live-streamed event on online service Twitch.

Read more:

Simon Hunter

Simon Hunter has been living in Madrid since the year 2000 and has worked as a journalist and translator practically since he arrived. For 16 years he was at the English Edition of Spanish daily EL PAÍS, editing the site from 2014 to 2022, and is currently one of the Spain reporters at The Times. He is also a voice actor, and can be heard telling passengers to "mind the gap" on Spain's AVLO high-speed trains.

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